Red Recharge

9:00 PM - 11:00 PM


Life is a roller coaster ride, so is every day… we might be positive and all motivated to start a perfect day, but many times or almost every time, we cannot carry forward the same energy levels even at 9 pm… this is when RJ Feroz takes a charge to Recharge every RED FM listener… more than Recharging the listeners, Feroz himself gets recharged with the show… he enjoys every song he plays, speaks to every listener as if he knows them from ages and as special requests he even sings for them!! He is what he is… smart, witty, sarcastic yet entertaining the listeners with a show that is apt for Hyderabadi crowd, right from the language the RJ speaks on – air to the songs being played, Red Recharge with Feroz has become a must to be heard show for a proper hyderabadi...


Krishna's Butterball